Water Baptism

Baptisms are happening on Sunday Feb 16 and May 04, 2025. See the FAQs below to fine out more.

Email scott.anderson@lifecc.com for more info.


If you recently decided to follow Jesus, baptism is an excellent next step for you! Not only is it a crucial step, but it is also the next step outlined in the Bible for those who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus. We believe that baptism is an outward expression of our commitment to begin a new life in Christ and signifies the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives, transforming us into a new creation. If this is your next step, we can’t wait to celebrate with you!


Baptism holds many meanings. It serves as a public declaration of faith, symbolizes new life, and is a practice that Jesus instructs His followers to engage in. It is also one of the most significant steps a person can take after accepting Jesus and placing their faith and trust in Him. When we are baptized, we are submerged underwater to identify our old life with the death and burial of Jesus, and then we are raised out of the water to represent His resurrection and the new life we have in Him. Ultimately, baptism signifies our transformation as we move from death to LIFE in Christ!


When Jesus walked the earth, He was baptized, and we are called to follow His example. We believe that Baptism serves as a public declaration of three important things: (1) you are a follower of Jesus Christ, (2) you are beginning a new life in Christ, and (3) you are now part of a new family. As members of this family, we are excited to stand with you and celebrate your new life in Christ!


Baptism is for anyone who has consciously chosen to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus and has put their faith and trust in Him.


Upcoming Baptism Dates

Life Church

February 16 and May 4
During the 9AM and 11AM services


I have already been Baptized. Should I be Baptized again?

Baptism signifies an individual’s decision to follow Jesus, begin a new life, and join a new community of believers. If your previous baptism did not reflect these important life changes, getting baptized again might be a meaningful next step for you.

Can my child be baptized?

Baptism is an important milestone in a believer’s life, as it signifies a clear understanding of one’s conscious decision to follow Jesus. Therefore, we recommend that a child be at least 7 years old before participating in baptism. However, exceptions may be made at the discretion of the children’s pastor.

Can my infant be Baptized?

At Life Church, we do not perform infant baptism. The Bible teaches in the New Testament that baptism is a public expression of worship, symbolizing the new life we receive when we choose to follow Jesus. We see in the Bible that Jesus’ parents dedicated him to the Lord (Luke 2:22-40), and he was later baptized as an adult (Matthew 3:16-17).

While baptism represents a personal choice made between an individual and God, infant or baby dedication symbolizes a commitment made by the parents to God on behalf of their child. During this dedication, parents make a commitment to raise their child in the faith until the child is old enough to make their own personal confession of faith and trust in Jesus.

Life Church provides opportunities for both baby dedications and believer’s baptism. If you are interested in dedicating your child, please complete the Baby Dedication Form.