Celebrate Recovery is a Christ- Centered, 12 Step program to help you find community and freedom from anything controlling your life.

*No registration needed – everyone welcomed – come as you are!*

Free Childcare available from 6:45pm - 8:00pm


We help you overcome any struggle that is controlling your life.

Find below common areas we help in:

Chemical Dependency

When you are honest with yourself, do you find you cannot quit drinking or using drugs entirely? Do you have little control over the amount you consume? You are probably an alcoholic and/or an addict.

We will learn how to:

  • Live without drinking or using one day at a time with the help of the Higher Power, Jesus Christ.
  • Stay away from that first drink. If there isn’t a first one, there cannot be a 10th one. And when free of alcohol, life becomes much more manageable.
  • Experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking.
  • Restore and develop stronger relationships with God and with others.
  • Stop relying on dysfunctional, compulsive, and addictive behaviors as a temporary “fix” for pain.
  • Apply the biblical principles of conviction, conversion, surrender, confession, restoration, prayer, quiet time,witnessing, and helping one another.
Eating Disorders

Eating disorders involve extreme disturbances in eating behavior. An eating disorder can begin to reveal itself very early in life, and is no respecter of race, gender, or ethnicity. It may also show itself in any combination of extreme eating behaviors, bringing with it strong feelings of being completely out of control. We may manifest inappropriate behaviors to compensate for our unhealthy eating behaviors.

Healing begins NOT when we change our behaviors, but when we change our beliefs about

1. whoweare,and
2. whatGodcreatedfoodfor

We let go of the lie that our bodies define who we are. We let go of the lie that food is a means to control and manipulate our disordered eating. We begin to believe the truth about who we are. Then, the truth about God’s purpose for food can bring about healing.

Co-Dependent Women in Relationship with Sexually Addicted Man

Many of us blame ourselves for the addict’s behavior: We tell ourselves, “If only I were more attractive, thinner, taller, shorter, etc.—if only I were more sexual.”

We give in to others’ behaviors, only to lose ourselves in the process. Sometimes, we have even participated in their sexual fantasies, or joined in by buying pornography or renting videos, leaving us feeling used and abused. Some of us ignored or did not recognize the signs that the addict was living a secret life.

Many of us blame the addict and their behavior for every problem in our relationship. We believe that if they would only change then everything would be fine. In essence, co-dependents are addicted to their spouse’s behaviors. They either give in to the addict, try to control them or make them stop.

We have sometimes pretended to family, friends, and co-workers that everything is “wonderful.” We have been unforgiving and sometimes punishing toward the addict.

We will:

• Hear the struggles of other co-dependents.

• Learn healthy, Christian values for family roles and rules

• Gain information about healthy sexuality and relationships.

• Break through denial and other unhealthy family patterns.

• Encouragement from the group to find peace, strength, and grace through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

• Build healthy relationships by finding love and acceptance in a “safe” place to share.

Love and Relationship Addiction

This group provides a safe place to deal with the depression, isolation, lack of trust, and the unhealthy use of love and relationships as means of achieving worth, that are characteristic of Romance and Relationship Addictions.

The goal of recovery is to achieve and maintain sobriety. In most addictions, sobriety can be defined simply by ceasing the unhealthy behaviors. Stopping and staying stopped are the goals. For most types of problems, the slogan “just say no” is appropriate.

  1. Staying sober is more complicated with people addictions. The aim of recovery cannot be the complete avoidance of all forms of romance and relationships. It is similar to the challenge faced by people addicted to overeating; they cannot simply give up food. Rather, they must learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy eating. They must eliminate the unhealthy while promotingthe healthy behavior. In the same way, for those addicted to love, the goal of

recovery is not to become a hermit living in the mountains. The goal is to foster healthy relationships and eliminate unhealthy ones.

Physical-Sexual and Emotional Abuse For Women

The first step is healing from the traumas done to us in our past, and the second step is healing from the influence these past experiences continue to have in our present lives.

We will learn how to:

• We admit that God’s plan for our lives includes victory over the experience of abuse.

• We understand the people who abused us are responsible for the abusive acts committed against us. We will not accept the guilt and shame resulting from those abusive acts.

• We look to God and His Word to find our identity as worthwhile and loved human beings.

• We are honestly sharing our feelings with God and at least one other person to help us identify the areas that need cleansing and healing.

• We accept the responsibility for our responses to abuse.

Food Addiction

Do you find yourself turning to food to cope with a pain or fear? Many of us have used food as a way to escape a past hurt and feel out of control and have low self esteem.

We will learn how to:

• We understand that our problems are emotional and spiritual.

• We are ready to face our denial and accept the truth about our lives and our food addiction.

• We are ready to accept responsibility for our actions and make Jesus the Lord of our lives.

• We are dedicated to learning about healthy eating.

• We are committed to learning the difference between physical and emotional hunger.

• We are willing to turn to God when we are not physically hungry.

• We will begin to view food as fuel for our body so that we will not eat unless we are physically hungry and stop when we are physically full.

Freedom From Anger

Every person has a “Pattern of Toxic Behavior” that can significantly damage the important and intimate relationships in his or her life. Anger is one of our 10 basic, God-given emotions. This emotion can be CONSTRUCTIVE or DESTRUCTIVE — depending on our response. We should give Jesus a “NANO SECOND” (just one billionth of a second!) to help us learn to use all of our emotions according to God’s design for our lives, and to change our pattern of relating to others and our responsibilities appropriately.

We will learn how to:

  • take responsibility
  • evaluate anger
  • develope a quiet time with God

In the broadest sense, co-dependency is when a person’s need for approval or validation from another person allows them to be controlled or manipulated. They are willing to compromise their own values, choices, and behavior at the expense of their personal well-being.

Freedom from co-dependency begins when we surrender the illusion that our identity and value are established through the lenses of other people. Our identity is in how God views us and who He created us to be. As a result, we no longer need to see ourselves as a function of what we do, but who we already are.

Sobriety for the co-dependent is different. It is not characterized by abstaining from a substance. It is more relational in nature.


If you are new to recovery we encourage you to attend “Newcomers 101”


Co-Dependent Women in a Relationship
with a Sexually Addicted Man:
Sexual addiction and its causes are largely unknown to most people. This group not only provides support, but also helps women seek an understanding of their own personal issues. Co- Dependents can then confront their own denial and behavior while gaining insight and understanding of their spouse’s sexual addiction.

Recovery from Anger
Individual groups for men and women
These recovery groups are for men and women who find that anger is their first response to problems of any size. The anger may be very evident as rage, or less obvious in terms of withdrawal and isolation. These groups focus on managing a God-given emotion in constructive ways.

Financial Recovery
Individual groups for men and women
This group is designed to help you, with God’s power, gain financial freedom from your debts so you can start managing your finances God’s way. In addition, the core hurts, hang-ups, and habits that have caused the financial trouble and stolen the serenity and joy that God has intended, will be overcome.

Grupo de Hombres en Español

Aquí los hombres tienen la oportunidad de compartir sus hábitos, heridas y complejos en su idioma natal.


After attending our Newcomers 101 group you may still be struggling to find the right Open Share Group for you. (The goal of Newcomers 101 is to explain how Celebrate Recovery works and to help you find an Open Share Group.)

You may have looked through our group descriptions and not found a group that specifically meets your recovery needs.

You may have looked through our group descriptions and decided that you could be in any of them. You are unsure where exactly to start.

You may feel most comfortable starting your recovery journey around others with “mixed issues”…

Attend our mixed issues group! We are so glad to have you join us. This is a group that will help you address and begin the healing process for your hurt, hang-up, or habit. Your struggle is important to us, and we look forward to walking with you on your unique recovery journey.


Jodie has been an active member of Life Church and the leader of Celebrate Recovery for many years now.  He is a Godly man with a passion to see people celebrate freedom in all areas of life and continue to find life in Jesus.